K-12 Education

WATCH: Creativity, Poverty, Parental Involvement: Perspectives on Education

August 25, 2014

As the summer comes to an end and students return to school, we’ve gone through our archives to find and share four perspectives on education from some of the country’s education leaders and experts. Watch the clips below as they discuss the US education system now and in the future, what’s lacking, and the importance of cultural education.

Is LA’s Education System How the US System Will Look in the Future?

In this five-minute clip, Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent John Deasy summarizes the demographics and issues teachers face within his school district — from working with students with language barriers to providing resources for homeless or undocumented children — warning that these same problems and conflicts are “coming to a hometown near you.” 

Creative Learning in the US vs. Abroad

New York Times bestselling author Amanda Ripley shares findings comparing how US schools teach creative thinking versus schools abroad. Sharing more findings from her book “The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way,” Ripley discusses in the clip above the country that scored the highest in critical thinking according to Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test results.

Using Technology to Radically Improve Education

In the clip above, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Vicki Phillips shares innovative ways technology is changing the classroom for the better, from personalized education to tools to improve literacy and more.

What About Cultural Education?

“I’m worried about the lack of cultural education… it’s showing up in the way we deal with each other,” said legendary musician and educator Wynton Marsalis, who is a recipient of the 2013 Aspen Institute Henry Crown Leadership Award. “We don’t know our traditions and our customs, so naturally we’re not ourselves.” In the clip above, Marsalis uses both words and music to make the connection of cultural education to better decision-making both interpersonally and on the international stage.