Statement of Standards
    1. The Aspen Institute is transparent about its finances, including its sources of funding. We disclose all donations and identify corporate, foundation and government donors and sponsors in our annual reports, on our website, and upon request.
    2. The Aspen Institute retains editorial control of all of our publications and events. We have the final say over what gets published, what topics are covered, and who speaks at any of our convenings.
    3. The Aspen Institute is a values-based, nonpartisan organization, which operates independently of the positions and views of our funders. We do not engage in electoral politics or any activity that would require registration under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and do not engage staff or contractors as “lobbyists” as defined by the Act.
    4. The Institute will not seek on behalf of any individual or entity to influence an agency or official of the US government or the US public regarding US policy or the policies or relations of a foreign country. Similarly, the Institute will not act, directly or indirectly, as an agent, representative, or in any other capacity at the order, or under the direction or control of any government or political entity.
    5. The Aspen Institute seeks to maintain a diversity of funding from foundations, individual donors, registration fees, event ticket sales, and corporate sponsorships in order to retain its independence and to avoid the potential for any funder to compromise the integrity of the discourse at the Institute. Funders are not allowed to dictate or veto content or participants in any of the Institute’s events.
    6. The Aspen Institute is committed to promoting an inclusive and equitable global society and seeks to do so by having a diverse Board, inclusive workforce, and programming that reflects our nation’s diversity. Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism can be found in this statement and more information about our work in this area can be found here. We will not accept funding from groups or organizations that promote violence or intolerance in any form.

    Issued January 2015; Revised March 2021