NEW website RFP
Website Design Request for Proposal
Posted: September 30, 2016
Deadline: October 31, 2016
Q1. What current platforms are you using and how do you plan to use them with the new website?
A1. We currently use Salesforce. Considering price point, we are interested in either fully integrating Salesforce, an alternative solution that ties into Salesforce, or a form that is compatible to Salesforce.
Q2. What is the completion date of the project?
A2. The project should be completed by February 2, 2017.
Q3. What criteria will proposals be evaluated against?
A3. Each proposal will be evaluated against the clarity of proposal, agency capacity, experience, and budget (in relation to the proposed activities).
Q4. Can you provide a budget range?
A4. The budget has not yet been determined, but we will share any updates if/when this becomes available.
Q5. May we include references and examples of past projects in the proposals?
Q5. Yes, this is welcomed along with any recommendations you may have in developing the website.
Q6. Are you looking for an agency to handle both design, front end development and back end development or do you have in-house resources that would handle the back end integration?
A6. We need all of the described services. The Aspen Institute does provide hosting services and we can share system requirements if requested.
Q7. If I am a grantee will I submit my reports on the private portal?
A7. No, grantees will continue to use Fluid Review to upload their quarterly reports. However, we would like the portal to be a place that grantees can post other types of reports i.e. published reports, newsletters, news articles, communication reports, etc. that may be of interest to the community.
Q8. Will grantees be able to communicate with other grantees in the private portal?
A8. Yes, you will be able to communicate with other grantees.
Q9. Can you explain how you envision events working operationally as it relates to the website?
A9. We would like the ability to post Aspen hosted events on the website and have participants sign up through the website. Additionally, we would like to post other events (non-Aspen) that our awardees may be interested in attending on the website.
Q10. Would you prefer to keep the website on WordPress or are you open to content management system options?
A10. We are open to recommendations, however, in order to utilize the Aspen Institute’s hosting feature we will need to use WordPress.
Q11. Is there an event or activity that is driving the February 2, 2017 completion date?
A11. We plan on hosting a forum in the spring and the website would need to be completed before then.
Q12. Are you seeking complete site language translation or selected sections of the website?
A12. We are looking for complete site translation.
Q13. Will the Stevens Initiative provide content for the new website?
A13. We have some existing content that can be migrated from the old website, but some content will need to be created for the new pages. This new content will be created by the selected vendor with the Stevens Initiative team.
Q14. How many content administrators make updates to the exiting website?
A14. We have two team members that are able to make updates, but we also source an external company to push updates and complete ad-hoc requests.
Q15. Who will decide what proposal is funded?
A15. The Stevens Initiative team with input by the Aspen Institute’s web team.
Q16. Can you clarify whether the private portal is an existing portal or needs to be designed and built?
A16. The portal needs to be designed and built.
Q17. Will grantees curate and publish success stories on the new website?
A17. No, the Stevens Initiative team will be responsible for curating and publishing success stories. Grantees will not have the ability to update/change this section of the website.
Q18. Are there different levels of users within the private portal?
A18. Yes
Q19. Within the private portal, do users have the ability to share documents and upload?
A19. Yes. They should also have the ability to communicate through real time messaging and simple comments.
Q20. Do documents uploaded into the private portal have to be approved by the Stevens Initiative team?
A20. No
Q21. Can the uploaded documents in the private portal be modified by the author, and the edit history be available for other users to see?
A21. Yes
Q22. Will live streaming and video capabilities be provided by 3rd parties?
A22. Yes, they will need to be embedded on the site.
Q23. Does a payment mechanism need to be included in event registration?
A23. No, payment mechanism does not need to be included. Registration is free for invited attendees.
Q24. Does the website need to be able to fully power the registration capability? Or is integration of a 3rd party tool allowed?
A24. Either solution is fine; ideally and considering price point we would like to integrate with Salesforce. Please see Q1.
Q25. Is there flexibility in the February 2, 2017 launch date?
A25. We are open to having some parts of the new website launch after February 2. We welcome your recommendations on what sections should be launched first. Note, we will have follow-up calls with selected vendors and there will be an opportunity to tailor the proposal and budget.