Around the Institute

Acting and Empathy Intensive Workshop (June 12-19, 2013)

June 12, 2013  • ADS Works

Acting and EmpathyActing is a transformational experience. It is the art of communicating stories but it is also the art of receiving the stories that others are trying to tell you. Quite simply, it is the art of empathy.

Those who acquire some of acting’s basic skill sets can use them to become stronger leaders and more successful managers and negotiators. We have designed a week that will inspire actors and refine their skills. It will give other professionals invaluable insights into others and themselves.

Join us in San Francisco for what promises to be a rewarding acting workshop. This intensive session is created by award winning actress/playwright and highly skilled teacher Anna Deavere Smith.

She is joined by other instructors and thinkers who are at the top of their professions.

Participants do not need acting experience to benefit from the work.  We encourage leaders of all kinds: teachers, corporate leaders, arts instructors, thinkers, those of the people professions as well as performers and artists from other disciplines to join us. We invite all generations to participate.  We will be a cross generational, interdisciplinary group in pursuit of new ideas and new ways of using our innate talents to engage with others.  The workshop will be a full engagement of mind, body and spirit. It promises to be a physical workout, a mind inspiration, an emotional banquet and a shower for your soul.

(Anna Deavere Smith) is the ultimate impressionist.  She does people’s souls.”  —The New York Times

Acting and Empathy Intensive Workshop
Application Deadline:
 Due to popular request, deadline now extended to Tuesday, May 28, 12:00 noon PST
Workshop Dates: June 12–19, 2013
Location: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 701 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

For more details, visit the Workshop Description and the Apply pages.