Around the Institute

Breakfast is ready!

February 20, 2015  • David Devlin-Foltz

Mo Media Mo Problems?

In a world where we can get news and information anywhere, anytime, and in any shape or form we please – are we a more informed public? Or has the bounty of options undermined the media’s role in helping citizens develop informed opinions about policies and policymakers? At our next breakfast event on March 4, the Democracy Fund’s Tom Glaisyer, the Gates Foundation’s Tom Black, and APEP’s Susanna Dilliplane will thrash out these and other salient issues about media impact and measurement. Want a bite of this breakfast? RSVP here.


Just the Facts?

We understand the appeal of evidence-based policy. We APEPpers are rational beings, mostly. We side with science. So we understand Neil Wollman’s clarion call for more evidence-based solutions.  He cites some powerful examples. But is evidence the “vaccine that prevents bad decisions in all policy areas”? If only. Science writer Joel Achenbach recently reflected on why people hear – or refuse to hear – scientific evidence.


Are We Transparent Yet?

We wrote last week about some great efforts to make governments and NGOs worldwide more accountable to their clients. Letting the sun shine in on US nonprofits may just get a little easier. Read this post from our bright and shiny Aspen Institute colleagues, Cinthia Schuman Ottinger and Zach Wenner.