Nonprofit Organizations

Extra! Extra! New Tools for Assessing Social Impact

September 24, 2010  • Lisa Molinaro

Oxfam’s Climate Change Campaign Evaluation
Oxfam GB recently piloted new approaches to M&E in their Climate Change Campaign – which works to influence policy and public opinion in support of a global climate change deal. If you didn’t catch their webinar presentation hosted by The Center for Evaluation Innovation, see their lessons learned.

How Do I Get the Media’s Attention?
Attracting media coverage for your policy issue is not a simple feat: InterAction has invited Christie Garton, Editor of USA Today’s Kindness Blog and Laura Rozen, Chief Foreign Policy Writer, Politico to give you the dos and don’ts of engaging online journalists. The event is Wednesday, September 29 and open to InterAction’s member organizations. RSVP here.

There Are Never Enough Tools for Assessing Social Impact!
The Foundation Center recently launched a new online database, Tools and Resources for Assessing Social Impact (TRASI), which contains a comprehensive collection of more than 150 approaches to measuring and analyzing social impact for programs and investments. Join the TRASI Community as well!