Around the Institute

Hey There…Let’s Talk

February 17, 2012

The Potential Power of Talk
It may seem a little self-serving to highlight a sister Aspen Institute program, but our colleague Judy Samuelson makes some great points in a Huffington Post piece about how genuine dialogue can help generate the consensus that can lead to genuine change. It’s a big evaluation challenge to capture the contribution of dialogue to that larger change process, but the onus is on us as evaluators to figure it out.

Get Analytical with Google
The software training gurus at are offering a free online training course on using the super popular Google Analytics tool. They especially focus on ways to turn straight-up numerical data into information you may use to improve and amplify your online presence. Data with a purpose? Now that’s our kind of tool.

Faith in Words
This video, by online marketing firm Purplefeather, came out roughly two years ago—an eternity given our fast-paced lives. Its message, however, is still as powerful and relevant today. All advocates grapple with the nuances of language, but it takes some serious reflection to strategize the most effective ways to communicate an advocacy message. Compelling language does not always translate into an effective campaign; it just makes things much easier.