On CNN, Today @ 1:30 ET
Today, CNN will air portions of a forum on modern-day slavery and human trafficking organized by our friends at the Alliance to End Slavery & Trafficking (ATEST). Held in late June, this event featured a number of champions on this issue—from political leaders to an Academy Award-winning actress and a leading human trafficking scholar. Thanks to the joint efforts of ATEST and CNN, all Americans will get the opportunity to hear what the debate is all about.
Policies Change, and Advocacy Follows
Like most of you, we’re following the conflict in Sudan. Just a few days ago South Sudan became the world’s newest nation, and yesterday it joined the UN General Assembly as its 193rd member. President Obama has officially recognized South Sudan, and now advocates in Africa are faced with a newborn international relationship and an equally new policy environment. Political change is expected and advocates need to stay on their toes to keep up.
Food Aid Policy
A recent Center for Global Development “wonkcast” analyzes the evolving position of the United States and the G-20 on food aid policy. They highlight how one of their working papers, “Financing Food Assistance: Options for the World Food Programme to Save Lives and Dollars,” contributed to changing the conversation on this issue at the latest meeting of G-20 agricultural ministers in Paris. Now that’s research with a purpose.