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Lisa Mensah Speaks at The American College of Financial Services Forum on Retirement Security

May 1, 2013  • Institute Contributor

On May 1, 2013 the American College of Financial Services hosted a Forum on Retirement Security for Americans.

Lisa Mensah, Executive Director of Aspen IFS, participated in a panel, “Proposals for Enhancing Retirement Income,” which focused on fostering ideas to enhance retirement income for working Americans.  Joining her in discussion was Keith Hickerson, Senior Strategy Consultant at The American College; Art Kraus, alumni at The American College; and Karen Friedman, Policy Director at The Pension Rights Center.  Mensah spoke about Aspen IFS’ Security Plus Annuities proposal, which proposes a one-time opportunity for first-time Social Security retirement beneficiaries to purchase up to $100,000 of immediate, inflation-protected lifetime income benefits.  “There are a whole lot of people with lump-sums,” Mensah remarked, “and Security Plus Annuities would keep annuities voluntary but give those who want them an easier, safer, and better deal.  It is better to start small with a voluntary system that is simple and secure.”

The Forum brought together academics, policy experts, professional groups, and legislative staff to discuss the significant issues impacting retirement security and involved facilitated discussion to determine common guiding principles to address the issue.


The Case for Security Plus Annuities