Around the Institute

Listen Longer 10/3: Sustainable Development

October 5, 2015  • Aspen Institute Staff

This past week Aspen Institute Radio focused on the new Sustainable Development Goals the United Nations has established, featuring talks on the benefits of community health, food security, and how to put clean water and sanitation within universal reach.

Aspen Institute Radio, our two-hour radio show, airs every Saturday and Sunday on SiriusXM Insight (channel 121). Each episode dives into the topics that inform the world around us. Here in our weekly Listen Longer posts, we’ll recap each episode and show where you can read, watch, and listen to more. Don’t have SiriusXM? Try it free for a month here.

Why Gender Equality Matters for Climate Change

This December, world leaders will finalize a new global climate change agreement. Ensuring that gender issues and population dynamics are adequately considered in the agreement is critical to its success and sustainability, as women are paramount to building resilient communities.  

Community Health: Reaching the Hardest To Serve

More than five million community health workers in more than 25 countries are reaching isolated populations and taking aim at health disparities — from Rwanda, Uganda, and Liberia, to Seattle, and Camden, New Jersey. But systems barriers still need to be overcome in many places, and resource commitments are essential. This panel addresses these problems by asking: What does it take to reach the hardest to serve, and how can we join together to make that happen?

The Elixir of Clean Water and Sanitation

More than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 1.6 million people die every year from diarrheal diseases largely as a result. What combination of technology, regulation, and behavior change will put clean water and sanitation in universal reach? From “toilet malls” and filters to ecosanitation, where are the most promising advances?

Innovations in Food Security and Nutrition

According to UN estimates, some 800 million people are chronically undernourished. Yet while hunger is a problem for resource-poor countries, high-calorie, low-nutrient foods too often afflict those that are more prosperous. How can researchers, farmers, producers, distributors, and consumers build a more balanced, food-secure world?