Health Care

Poverty / Bias / Voter Fraud

September 21, 2012

Fighting Poverty
Sojourners has recruited President Obama and Governor Romney to speak out, in separate videos released this week, about what they intend to do to address poverty across the country.  As the Sojourners claim, “poverty is the common moral concern of Christians in this election season.”  By engaging the two presidential candidates, they show some connections on poverty that transcend political parties. Now, for voters, it’s their decision to choose just one of the two come November…

Confirmation Bias?
In the latest post in his FutureComms blog Paul Sutton asks about confirmation bias in his own work, as in the preference for items that favor your argument.  Of course, we all have a certain level of this bias, but just how we deal with dissenting opinion can tell us how biased we are, or—even worse—if we’ve fallen into the pit of groupthink. With the presidential election not too far away, it’s a good time to question our assumptions and preferences, and open ou rselves up to some other (wildly divergent) thoughts. You’ll never know what you’d learn unless you try it.

Against Voter Fraud…Where There Happens to Be One
As voter ID requirements move through several state court systems, one question is rarely addressed publicly: just how many cases of voter fraud are there to begin with? This week, Slate’s interactive voter fraud map and News21’s voter resources offer some answers. And the fact that less than 633 fraud cases have been found, out of millions of votes cast, does kinda make us wonder about the  (dare we say, politically motivated) voter ID movement.  But maybe that’s just our confirmation bias talkin’.