past event
Around the Institute

AI and the Future of Work

The first event in a series of intimate, high-level dinners will convene at the Aspen Institute, in partnership with IBM, to on artificial intelligence and its policy implications.

*This event is by invitation only.

Our first dinner focuses on artificial intelligence and the future of work. Throughout history, the introduction of any major new technology has stimulated debate about employment effects: Will the power loom, the steam engine, the printing press, for example, cost jobs? Today we face the same question with the advent of artificial intelligence. What will be the impact of AI on jobs? What jobs might be displaced by AI, and why? And what new job categories are we likely to see in the future as AI is used, increasingly, to augment rather than replace human intelligence? How do we equip today’s workers with the requisite skills to excel in these new sectors? How will AI redefine work?

Event information
Thu May 19, 2016
6:30pm - 8:30pm MST
The Aspen Institute
One Dupont Circle, NW
Washington, DC