past event

Arts Circle

On May 16, Michael D. Eisner, Aspen Institute trustee and chair of its Committee on the Arts, hosted the Aspen Institute Arts Program’s inaugural Arts Circle event. This was an opportunity for the program’s engaged supporters to come together and discuss the exciting new arts initiatives under the direction of Damian Woetzel. The evening’s program centered on a conversation with renowned actor, Meryl Streep, and New York City Public School 7th grade teacher, Carla Espana, on civic engagement through the arts in education, in our communities, and in international affairs. Mr. Woetzel, who led the conversation, engaged the speakers to highlight the breadth and potency that the arts have for bringing positive change to society. Mr. Woetzel also outlined the Aspen Institute Arts Program’s upcoming programming focus on citizen artists – artists who make a difference, excelling in their art and contributing to other sectors of their communities.

Event information
Wed May 16, 2012
12:00am - 12:00am EDT
New York, NY, United States