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Around the Institute

Aspen Wye Fellows with Jason Beaubien

As NPR’s Global Health and Development Correspondent on the Science Desk, Jason Beaubien currently reports on a range of health issues across the world, including the mobilization of massive circumcision drives in Kenya; how Botswana, with one of the highest rates of HIV in the world, has managed to provide free, life-saving drugs to almost all who need them; and why Brazil’s once model HIV/AIDS program is seen in decline.

Mr. Beaubien has served as a foreign correspondent for NPR since 2002. He has covered Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Cuba, Haiti, El Salvador, and 27 countries on the African continent. He filed stories on politics in Cuba, hurricanes in Haiti, the FMLN victory in El Salvador, exodus of Sudan’s Darfur region into Chad, the steady deterioration of Zimbabwe, and famines and wars of Africa.

Mr. Beaubien will speak to the Aspen Wye Fellows on the big health epidemics facing humanity today, particularly in the developing countries.

Event information
Wed May 29, 2013
5:00pm - 7:00pm EST
River House
Queenstown, MD, United States