past event

Better Than Likes and Shares

Many organizations want to inspire people to act in support of a cause. But too often, people engage as a one-off, or at best, sporadically. So we advocates design the next campaign hoping for new converts or a new way to inspire the already converted to act again. We’re not very good at it. What, exactly, needs to change to produce sustained activation and meaningful actions? Drawing from examples of humanitarian and global development campaigns, Edith Asibey discussed “Tiny Habits,” a behavior model that could underpin a more effective approach to digital advocacy. Participants left the breakfast equipped with ideas, tools, and tips to design more effective communication, advocacy and fundraising strategies, and ways to strengthen their advocacy evaluation plans. You can watch a video recording of the event here and access Edith’s PowerPoint slides here.

About the speaker: Edith Asibey is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service of NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. She is also the Senior Advisor at the Education Commission.  Until December 2016, Edith led advocacy, partnerships and communication for UNICEF in Brazil, where she launched some of the most innovative digital work UNICEF has done to date, partnering with Google, Facebook and others.

Edith has a lifelong commitment to bringing about social change by mobilizing people from all around the world through digital engagement campaigns she designed and managed together with the teams she has built.  These campaigns have collectively mobilized millions of people and influenced global and national policies on education, human rights, public health and the environment. Previously, Edith held roles with the Global Business Coalition for Education, The Atlantic Philanthropies, the AVINA Foundation and NetAid (one of the first digital-only organizations in the world). Starting her career in the countryside of Paraguay, she led environmental education campaigns and directed the environment program for USAID in the country.

Edith is the author of two popular guides that have helped social change organizations be more effective at what they do: Are We There Yet? A Communications Evaluation Guide and Continuous Progress, an interactive advocacy planner and evaluation tool. She holds a Master of Arts in Media Studies from Stanford with focus on digital media; a specialization in leadership from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government; and undergraduate degrees in Biology and Education from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. She is fluent in English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.


Event information
Thu Nov 15, 2018
The Aspen Institute
2300 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037