past event

Business Forum: Strengthening Nonprofits, Strengthening Communities


JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation co-hosted a Business Forum on November 15, 2016 to raise the issue of nonprofit capacity and broaden the base of stakeholders who are committed to advancing stronger, more resilient nonprofit organizations.

The Forum was informed by themes that emerged from the leadership roundtable hosted by JPMC and the Aspen Institute on March 8, 2016. At the leadership roundtable, twenty-nine leaders representing nonprofit capacity building organizations, foundations, and direct service organizations gathered to share their perspectives on the major issues facing the nonprofit capacity building field. Participants also discussed the potential role of the private sector in strengthening the nonprofit sector and bridging gaps between and among the nonprofit, business, and public sectors at the local level.

The Forum engaged a pool of leaders from across the private, public and nonprofit sectors in a conversation with the goal of:

  1. Exploring how the business community can use its financial resources, convening power, and human capital to advance the nonprofit sector and strengthen communities
  2. Highlighting effective principles for cross-sector engagement and collaborations
  3. Sharing promising and proven strategies, models, and resources related to building nonprofit capacity building programs and corporate partnerships.
  4. Demonstrating how investing in nonprofit capacity building helps advance corporate philanthropy missions, regardless of focus impact areas

The Forum served as a springboard for a collaborative “call to action” to the business community. This will build upon and expand JPMC’s commitment to investing resources to strengthen local communities and elevate the conversation about capacity building as a core investment for funders.

Click through the slideshow below to view photos from the event:

Panel JPMC Business Forum

Event information
Tue Nov 15, 2016
9:00am - 1:30pm EDT
The Knight Conference Center at the Newseum
555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC