past event
Racial Equity

Closing Opportunity Gaps by Investing in Black Financial Institutions

Recent events, from the tragic murder of George Floyd to the shocking attack on the U.S. Capitol, have sparked a seismic shift in society’s acknowledgement of the need for transformational action to address systemic, institutionalized racism.

Please join us on Friday, February 26, 2021 at 1:00pm ET for Closing Opportunity Gaps by Investing in Black Financial Institutions, a panel to learn how Henry Crown Fellows are uniting to tackle issues that divide society and limit our collective prosperity by supporting institutions like Hope Credit Union, the leadership venture of 2013 McNulty Prize recipient, Bill Bynum.

During this conversation, participants will discuss racial disparities in the financial sector, and the critical role played by minority banks in improving employment, education, housing, health and other conditions that are vital to increasing economic mobility. The panel moderated by HCF 1998 Mark Contreras, President & CEO, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, will highlight how AGLN members can support these vital, yet undercapitalized anchor institutions.

Bill Bynum, Founder and CEO, Hope Credit Union, Henry Crown Fellow 1998
Reed Hastings, Founder and CEO, Netflix, Henry Crown Fellow 1998
Suzanne Nora Johnson, Former Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs, Henry Crown Fellow 1998
John Rogers, Chairman and Co-CEO, Ariel Investments, Henry Crown Fellow 1997

Event information
Fri Feb 26, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm EST