past event
Nonprofit Organizations

Contribution Analysis in Policy Advocacy

Seasoned evaluators Robin Kane and Carlisle Levine provided a stimulating presentation on their work using contribution analysis in policy advocacy, engaging the audience to think critically about the interaction and relationship among advocates and other influences within a complex multi-actor environment. Robin and Carlisle presented an overview of the challenge and their framework for addressing it, illustrating through examples from five case studies. Together with co-authors Carlyn Orians and Claire Reinelt, Robin and Carlisle collaborated on a brief from the Center for Evaluation Innovation on using contribution analysis in policy work. Here’s the link to our fancy webcast featuring some terrific questions from fellow evaluators, advocates, and funders. You can download the meeting handout here and the presentation slides here.

Event information
Fri Feb 23, 2018
The Aspen Institute
2300 N Street NW
Washington, DC