past event
World Affairs

Cuba Partnership Opportunity Delegation

The week of May 1, 2016, the Aspen Institute and Richardson Center for Global Engagement, will co-lead a Partnership Opportunity Delegation (POD) to Cuba, where participants will engage in meetings and conversations around investment and innovation focused on early technology, hospitality, alternative energy and waste management.

The measurements taken by President Obama and President Castro demonstrate an unmistakable thaw on both sides of the Florida Straits. While the Embargo regime is likely to linger due to US Congressional dynamics, reform has come to some trade and travel restrictions. This changing policy offers a great opportunity for early engagement between the communities in the US and Cuba.


  • Business Executives
  • Impact Investors
  • Social Entrepreneurs with relevant and scalable business models


  • Meet with political and community leaders to gain a deeper understanding of the country’s priorities.
  • Explore and assess solutions to some of the pressing challenges, and identifying ways to collaborate and partner.


  • Havana
  • Matanzas
Event information
Sat Apr 30, 2016 - Sun May 8, 2016
8:00am - 12:00am MDT
Havana, Cuba