past event
Workforce Development

Why “Inclusive Capitalism’ is Critical to Our Economic Success

A healthy America requires a broad prosperity that goes beyond GDP statistics and stock-market valuations. More Americans need to hold jobs with growth in wages and the opportunity to build wealth; and more Americans need confidence that opportunity exists. But some argue that capitalism is broken for the vast majority of American workers. What are the facts? Why are we in this position? And what prescriptions—from policy to education to investment—will create a more robust, inclusive economy for our citizens?

Future of Work Initiative Honorary Co-Chair Senator Warner took part in the panel, along with Arthur Brooks, Jay Coen Gilbert, Rana Faroohar, Melissa Kearnev, David Leonhardt, Ida Rademacher, Steve Rattner, Robert Rubin, and Andy Stern.

Read the transcript of the conversation.

Event information
Thu Jun 30, 2016
Aspen Meadows Campus
Aspen Ideas Festival 2016
Aspen, CO