past event
Climate Change

Innovators In Sustainable Finance: A Virtual Exchange of Ideas

Innovators In___: A Virtual Exchange of Ideas, is a new digital series that will feature a unique focus on people who are leading the way in their industries with innovative and exciting ideas.

Through timely and engaging discussions with industry thought leaders and rising stars, this series will offer a fresh angle on the nexus of climate change as it relates key issues, including energy, agriculture and food systems, health, resilience and water.

On July 9th, we held the next installment of the series, Innovators In Sustainable Finance. Nancy McGaw, Deputy Director of the Aspen Institute’s Business & Society Program, moderated a discussion with Nat Kreamer, Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Energy Economy and Susan Gray, Global Head of Corporate and Infrastructure Ratings of S&P Global, on the business of sustainability and how to best drive climate action on the corporate level.

Event information
Thu Jul 9, 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT