past event

The 2018 Kennedy Center Arts Summit: The Future States of America: Using the Arts to Take Us Where We Want to Go

The Kennedy Center Arts Summit is an annual spring convening designed to bring thought leaders from the arts and related fields together for conversation and connection.

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Held in Washington, DC on April 16, 2018, this year’s Arts Summit examined how the arts can help us imagine and build our collective future. What is the collective future we want and how can we use arts, creativity, culture, and technology to get us there?

Focused on the three major themes of Education, Health and Wellness, and Finite Resources, the Arts Summit began with a series of dynamic conversations between the speakers. Discussions ranged from how to integrate empathy and human wellness into strategic planning of urban centers and infrastructure, to how to address loneliness and isolation as a public health crisis through creative outlets, and how to transform funding models to value active social change over passive charity and restrictive policies. The conversations challenged participants to imagine new possibilities for our future with the arts at the heart of creative interventions and innovation.

Event information
Mon Apr 16, 2018
8:00am - 7:00pm EDT
The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC