past event
The Brain

Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing

Featuring Daniel Pink, New York Times bestselling author of When, To Sell is Human, Drive, and A Whole New Mind, in conversation with Aspen Institute President and CEO Dan Porterfield. Pink will discuss the emerging science of timing — including the hidden pattern of the day and how to recast our schedules to navigate it, how to take breaks that restore mental energy and acuity, why midpoints (of a project or even a life) sometimes drag us down and sometimes fire us up, and what rowing teams, choirs, and lunch deliveries in India can teach us about group synchronization, purpose, and belonging.

Fee: $25. Tickets on sale Wednesday, July 17 at, or in person at the Wheeler Opera House box office.

Society of Fellows members may request complimentary tickets by emailing or calling 970.544.7980. Complimentary tickets for SOF members are limited and subject to availability.

Parking is very limited.  Please carpool, walk, bike, or ride RFTA. Ride WE-cycle for FREE to and from events at the Aspen Institute and Aspen Meadows. Download Transit in the app store to unlock a bike and access unlimited rides of 30 minutes or less May through October.

Event information
Wed Jul 31, 2019
6:30pm - 7:30pm MDT
Paepcke Auditorium
1000 N. Third St.
Aspen, CO