Restoring Hope and Dignity: A 10-Year Plan of Action to Address the Legacy of Agent Orange in Vietnam
The US-Vietnam Dialogue Group on Agent Orange/Dioxin was established in February 2007 with support from the Ford Foundation. The group has identified ways to deal with the most pressing of the human and environmental consequences of the US military’s defoliation campaign. This bipartisan, non-governmental initiative is comprised of distinguished policy makers, scientists, and nonprofit and business leaders. Leading the Vietnamese side is Ambassador Ngo Quang Xuan, vice chair of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee, and leading the US side is Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute.
The roundtable will mark the release of the Dialogue Group’s Declaration and Plan of Action, a proposed ten-year plan to address the humanitarian and environmental effects of herbicide use and dioxin contamination. Dialogue Group members and other prominent supporters will describe the Plan and the challenges it will help address.
By invitation only.