past event

Sharing Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Back by popular demand, the Aspen Institute presents the Sharing Shakespeare Series, curated by Tom Buesch, PhD.  Exploring another round of William Shakespeare’s plays, volunteer moderators will lead participants through lively discussions dissecting the intriguing themes and characters in Shakespeare that still resonate today. Participants will read one play per month and share their insights and questions to reach a fuller understanding of the Bard’s works.

Dates and Times:  Monday nights from 6:00–8:00 pm MT October 17, November 14, December 12, January 23, February 13, March 13, April 17, May 22, June 12.

Location: Aspen Institute, Aspen Meadows Campus

Fee: $275, includes all sessions, light refreshments, and reading materials. Scholarships available.

Registration for the 2022-2023 Sharing Shakespeare series is closed. Please email for more information.

Module 1
October 17: Macbeth
In this season opener, Ted and Sandi will discuss several overarching Shakespearean themes that we, as a group, will explore repeatedly during this year.  Using the Tragedy of Macbeth, we will explore the themes of mythology; the interposing of “other worlds” into the world of the play; the position of the sexes; the juxtaposition of the ruling and peasant classes.  Specific to Macbeth, we will explore one unresolved mystery; the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as individuals and as psychological natures; whether the porter is one of Shakespeare’s most witty clowns.
Moderated by Sandi Kister and Ted Frisbie

November 14: Antony and Cleopatra
Antony and Cleopatra weaves a heroic love affair through the tangles of history and the clash of cultures. The outcome is never in doubt, but Shakespeare’s invention of character and poetic rhetoric fill us with wonder. Our discussions will be based on reading the play as well as watching scenes from at least 3 productions.
Moderated by Donna and Bernie Grauer 

December 12: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Join us for the Magical Mystery Tour called A Midsummers Night’s Dream. Set in Athens, this play features some of the most intriguing and bizarre characters you’ll ever meet in Shakespeare’s works. In this segment, we will discuss the various players and their motives from an Amazon queen to a duke, from lovers to magical fairies.
Moderated by Cathy O’Connell and Fred Venrick

Module 2

January 23: The Merchant of Venice moderated by Ken and Carol Adelman

February 13: King Henry VI, Part 1 moderated by Julie Comins and Greg Pickrell

March 13: The Merry Wives of Windsor moderated by Roberta and Mike McGowan

Module 3

April 17: King Henry VI, Part 2 moderated by Gerry VanderBeek and Carl Lucero

May 22: Timon of Athens moderators to be announced.

June 12: King Henry VI, Part 3 moderated by Dipika Rai and Howie Mallory


Event information
Mon Dec 12, 2022
6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Aspen Meadows
1000 N. Third St.
Aspen, CO