past event

SOF Discussion Reception: Capitalism and the Good Society: Can They Co-Exist?

Join us for the SOF Discussion Reception: Capitalism and the Good Society: Can They Co-Exist? featuring Peter Goettler, President & CEO of the Cato Institute and Felicia Wong, President & CEO of the Roosevelt Institute. The panel will discuss the advantages and shortcomings of capitalism as American society wrestles with the ongoing evolution of technology, labor, and finance. Could a different system make the economy more inclusive and prosperous for the most people, or is capitalism still the most effective and equitable way to deliver the American Dream?

*If you are not currently a member of the Society of Fellows, and are interested in joining, please contact the SOF team at (970) 544-7980 or

Event information
Tue Sep 27, 2022
6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Private Venue