past event

SOF Discussion Reception: National Storylines and Local Issues: A Round-Table with California Journalists

Join us for the SOF Discussion Reception: National Storylines and Local Issues: A Roundtable with California Journalists featuring Alex Cohen, Host, Spectrum News One; Gabriel Kahn, Professor of Professional Practice, USC Annenberg School of Journalism; and Seema Mehta, Political Reporter, Los Angeles Times; in conversation with Liz Rappaport, Los Angeles Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal. The panel will discuss the national and local issues that are prominent during this important election year, including climate change, civil equity, and public safety, as well as provide insights into the evolving media ecosystem and how to cover these critical yet divisive topics in a fraught political climate.

*If you are not currently a member of the Society of Fellows, and are interested in joining, please contact the SOF team at (970) 544-7980 or

Event information
Wed Mar 9, 2022
6:00pm - 8:00pm PDT
Private Venue