past event
Around the Institute

Teen Socrates Summer Seminar

The Aspen Institute’s Socrates Society  is a forum in which emerging leaders from across sectors of society meet to explore contemporary issues through moderated dialogue. Socrates also provides the opportunity for participants to enter into a diverse professional network, and into the broader range of the Aspen Institute’s programs. At the core of Socrates is a remarkable group of emerging and recognized leaders including entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, representatives of government, international, nonprofit and non-governmental organizations, academics and journalists.   

Environment and Energy: The World We Will Inherit and Build
AO Forbes, Co-Founder, Tomorrow’s Voices

The pace of global climate change, for example, has exceeded most of the responsible climate modeling predictions. What are we as teens to make of this? What values in our parent’s generation led us to this predicament, and what other values might actually make a difference going forward? What role can the US play as the developing world rapidly increases its consumption of resources? What are the new possibilities for change, and the basis for optimism? 

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Event information
Fri Jun 26, 2009 - Mon Jun 29, 2009
12:00am - 12:00am MDT
Aspen, CO, United States