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The Great Conversation: Engaging Young Aspen

In partnership with Aspen Young Professionals Association, the Aspen Institute presents a new program entitled, The Great Conversation: Engaging Young Aspen. The series is offered to young professionals who are interested in engaging in discussions of national and international issues with their peers, to learn more about each issue, and to have a dialogue with experts to whom they would not otherwise have access. Each of six sessions will be moderated by Ken Adelman, and will include a discussion with and/or presentation by an expert on the topic.

The Series will begin with a post-election event featuring a Skype conversation with Thomas Mann, congressional scholar, political analyst, and senior fellow at The Brookings Institution on Thursday, November 4th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Koch Building at the Aspen Institute. Refreshments will be provided, and tickets are $25.

The Series will take place on December 16, January 13, February 3, March 3, April 7, and May 5, from 6:30 – 8:30pm at the Aspen Institute. The topics to be discussed include: Education Reform; Demystifying China; Iran, Iraq, Af/Pak (War Issues); Immigration – Global not just US/Mexico; Natural Disasters – Responsibility of US in Haiti and Pakistan; Micro lending, and What Happened to the Middle Class.  Please note that dates and topics are subject to change.

The fee for the series is $150.  For more information, or to register please contact Beth Slater; (970) 544-7914 or

In partnership with Aspen Young Professionals Association, the Aspen Institute presents a new program entitled, The Great Conversation: Engaging Young Aspen.

Event information
Thu Nov 4, 2010
6:30pm - 8:30pm EDT
Aspen, CO, United States