past event
Around the Institute

A Research-Based Approach to Narrowing our Racial Wealth Gap: The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)

Six months into a global public health and economic crisis has many concerned about the long-term effect on under-resourced communities all over the country. Organizations like the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), led by former Massachusetts Treasurer, Steve Grossman, have strengthened small businesses since 1994 and helped create almost 22,000 jobs since 2005. Created by Harvard Business School’s Michael Porter, ICIC is a national nonprofit research and advisory organization and the leading authority on U.S. inner city economies and the businesses that thrive there. ICIC’s mission is to drive inclusive economic prosperity in underserved communities through innovative research and programs to create jobs, income, and wealth for local residents. Given the impact of COVID-19, this webinar will dive into the work of ICIC and its prescriptions for strengthening under-resourced communities across America.

If you are interested in learning more about the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City and their research, please visit their website. Feel free to share this content with friends and colleagues.

Join Steve Grossman, Chief Executive Officer of ICIC, in a discussion exploring the racial wealth gap in the time of COVID-19.

Event information
Thu Sep 24, 2020
2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT