White House/Aspen Institute Impact Economy Meeting
A large convening on the Impact Economy co-hosted by the White House and the Aspen Institute. The participants will work with the White House and the Aspen Institute to articulate policy goals to promote impact investing and social entrepreneurship. Panels will include discussions on the state of impact investing, promoting shared value, breaking down administrative and regulatory barriers, identifying metrics for social ROI, and building impactful financial systems. More information about this event is available on the White House blog.
“Building an Impact Economy in America” provides a condensed summary of a June 2011 Summit on the impact economy convened by the White House and the Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation’s Impact Economy Initiative. The summit convened more than 150 leaders in the field — investors, philanthropists, executives, and policymakers — to discuss the emergence of the impact economy. The summit was devoted to understanding and articulating the key issues surrounding the field, and to considering its long-term scope and shape. The report includes an exposition of the themes and principles that surfaced, a synthesis of recommendations, and transcripts of select remarks. Download Publication.