past event
Gender Equity

YES SHE CAN: Stories of Leadership and Public Service, A BookTalk

The Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions and the Washington Areas Women’s Foundation cordially invite you to attend

YES SHE CAN: Stories of Leadership and Public Service

2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037 

Thursday November 7, 2019 | 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM


These young women were teens when Barack Obama announced he was running for president.

They came of age in the Obama Era.

And then they joined his White House. Smart, motivated, ambitious–and ready to change the world.

A group of these talented young women share their story in the best-selling book, YES SHE CAN, an intimate look at Obama’s presidency through the eyes of some of the most successful, and completely relatable, young women who were there. Full of wisdom they wish they could impart to their younger selves and a message about the need for more girls in government, these recollections are about stepping out into the spotlight and up to the challenge–something every girl can do.

Please join us for an interactive conversation with four of the contributors, Nita Contreras Kalisha Dessources Figures, Andrea R. Flores, and Taylor Lusting, who will share their experiences while talking about advancing opportunities for growing the leadership of young women in all sectors, but especially in public service.

Nita Contreras

Kalisha Dessources Figures

Andrea Flores

Taylor Lustig

Event information
Thu Nov 7, 2019
12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Smith Conference
Aspen Institute
Washington, DC