FCC Chairman Genachowski to Become Senior Fellow at Aspen Institute

April 14, 2013

Contact: Jeff Harris
Public Affairs Manager
The Aspen Institute


Washington, DC, April 15, 2013 – The Aspen Institute announced today that Julius Genachowski, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, will become senior fellow at the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program upon his resignation from the Commission in the coming weeks. At the Institute, a non-partisan venue for values-based leadership, Genachowski will advise on the Institute’s communications policy programs. 

As Chairman of the FCC since 2009, Genachowski focused the agency on broadband, taking major actions to advance investment in wired and wireless infrastructure, foster innovation, promote competition, and empower consumers.  Genachowski will be the fifth in a line of FCC chairmen (two previous Democrats, two Republicans) to assume a senior fellowship at the Aspen Institute after their tenure.  

“I’m enthusiastic about helping the Aspen Institute advance its important mission,” said Genachowski.  “The Internet and mobile are having a transformative impact on our economy and society. The Institute has an unparalleled ability to convene business, government, and non-profit leaders to address the effect of digital technologies on many of the world’s most vexing problems, and I’m looking forward to being involved in that effort.”

“We are delighted to welcome Julius Genachowski,” said Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Institute. “He typifies the kind of leadership and human values that the Aspen Institute stands for.” 

“Julius has been a long-time participant in our activities,” added Charles Firestone, executive director of the Institute’s Communications and Society Program. “His deep experience in both the private sector and government will significantly sharpen our focus on the cutting edge issues in communications policy.”

The Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program, www.aspeninstitute.org/c&s, addresses the societal impact of communications and information technologies, and provides a multi-disciplinary venue for considered judgment on communications policy issues. 

The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC. Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for dealing with critical issues. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. It also has offices in New York City and an international network of partners. For more information, visit www.aspeninstitute.org.


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