Building Main Street’s Financial Security in the Obama Era

March 30, 2009

Contact: Jim Spiegelman
VP, Communications and Public Affairs
The Aspen Institute
Tel. 202-736-3849

 Building Main Street’s Financial Security in the Obama Era
An Expert Panel Discussion Hosted by
The Aspen Institute Initiative on Financial Security

Washington, DC, March 31, 2009 – The Aspen Institute’s Initiative on Financial Security will host a panel of experts from government, business and policy organizations at the Aspen Institute’s headquarters in Washington, DC to discuss methods to increase financial security for the average American, as well as the American financial system.

Moderated by President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, Walter Isaacson, the distinguished panel will include: Michael Johnston, executive vice president of the Capital Group Companies; Eugene Ludwig, CEO of the Promontory Financial Group and former US Comptroller of the Currency; Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League; Terry Savage, Chicago Sun Times and nationally syndicated columnist; and Paul Schott Stevens, president and CEO of the Investment Company Institute. These panelists will consider current and pressing issues surrounding the financial security of average Americans.

Lisa Mensah, Executive Director of IFS, said:  “Our experience argues that Wall Street, despite its current unpopularity, can be the engine to serve Main Street with a better system of savings that builds long-term financial security.  Let’s use this moment to build on-ramps to the “financial superhighway” for all those who have been left out.”

For additional information or questions about the work of Aspen IFS, please contact Kathryn Gadkowski at 212.895.8077 or

The Initiative on Financial Security at the Aspen Institute is a leading policy program focused on bold solutions to help all Americans at every stage of life to save, invest, and own.

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