Employment and Jobs

Making Apprenticeships Work: Five Policy Recommendations

February 4, 2018  • University Ventures

UpSkill America is pleased to share this resource from one of our partners in the upskilling movement.

In many ways, the apprenticeship model can help answer the questions that keep lawmakers and innovators up at night – questions about how we can reimagine our approach to higher education in ways that expand opportunity, promote socioeconomic mobility, and align more closely with job outcomes. They also offer older workers a pathway into new jobs without the loss of income that would come from enrolling in a traditional higher education program. A new paper by University Ventures, Making Apprenticeships Work: Five Policy Recommendations, outlines a vision for policy change that can help us rethink that approach – not just with regard to apprenticeships, but the country’s entire system of education and workforce development.

To read this report – including insights from UpSkill Director Jaime Fall – visit universityventures.com/publications.php?title=making-apprenticeships-work-whitepaper.


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UpSkill America is an employer-led movement that promotes training and advancement practices to help workers progress in their careers and move into better-paying jobs. UpSkill America is an initiative of the Economic Opportunities Program.

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