Workforce Development

How Should Regulators Shape “Benefits” for the 1099 Economy?

July 14, 2016  • Noah Lang

Noah Lang, CEO and Cofounder of Stride Health, writes about the release of the Future of Work Initiative’s Portable Benefits Resource Guide. Lang adds his own thoughts on Portable benefits, describing several critical features he argues are critical to the implementation of a framework for portable benefits.

Benefits need not be attached to a specific job.

In Lang’s words, “Benefits need not be attached to a specific job. In today’s workforce many people have multiple jobs and switch jobs (and employers) regularly. A worker should maintain their benefits stability throughout these changes and be protected regardless of which marketplace they’re currently acquiring work from. Benefit funding should be opened up to give employers the opportunity to prorate premium contributions based on the amount of work done for each company, or the workers’ respective earnings.”

Read Noah Lang’s full post.