Jason Petrait

Jason Petrait

Greater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016, Economic Opportunities Program

Director of Special Projects, South Seattle College, Seattle, Washington

Jason’s biggest interest outside of work is travel, and he’s visited all 50 states. As a member of the Greater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Jason hoped to learn more about other programs, network with partners, and understand the dynamic workforce environment of the Puget Sound region. In considering changing perspectives in sector work, one piece he has already learned, and will continue to learn, is how to orient new staff to the language and landscape of sector work. New staff coming from other organizations, other sectors, or other areas often don’t have the depth of knowledge in sector work needed in the industry. He’ll now be able to share more with them.

Jason Petrait is a member of the Greater Seattle Sector Skills Academy Class of 2016, one of several Workforce Leadership Academies in localities across North America.

The Workforce Leadership Academies are part of the Economic Opportunity Fellows Network, a network of leadership and fellowship programs run by the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. Within this Network, EOP connects national and local leaders from across sectors — nonprofit, government, business, philanthropy, academia, and more — to advance policies and practices with the potential to help low- and moderate-income Americans thrive in today’s economy. Learn more at as.pn/eofn.