Timothy Ogden is a senior fellow with the Aspen Institute’s Business Ownership Initiative and its Financial Security Program. Tim also serves as Managing Director of New York University’s Financial Access Initiative (FAI), coordinating FAI’s research, communications, and operations. His previous work experience encompasses the private and nonprofit sectors. Prior to joining the Financial Access Initiative he was the Chief Knowledge Officer at Geneva Global, Inc., an international philanthropy advisory company, and founding editor of Gartner Press. He founded and currently leads Sona Partners, a thought leadership communications firm, where he has helped develop more than 20 books for major publishers. Tim is co-author of Toyota Under Fire, and author of Experimental Conversations, a collection of interviews with economists conducting field experiments on poverty alleviation interventions. Tim also serves as chairman of GiveWell.

Tim Ogden
Senior Fellow, Business Ownership Initiative and Financial Security Program,
Financial Security Program
Authored by Tim
Scaling Lending to Entrepreneurs of ColorProviding loans and grants to diverse entrepreneurs has been seen by many as an important way to address the racial wealth gap.
BY Eric Weaver Joyce Klein Tim Ogden
A Plan for Protecting Small BusinessesYou’ve heard about how important small businesses are to the economy and the nation. You’ve heard various figures being proposed to help those small bu ...
BY William Bynum Joyce Klein Tim Ogden