Health Care

Budgeting for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Improving the Federal Scorekeeping Process

March 30, 2022  • Health, Medicine & Society Program

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The Health, Medicine & Society Program (HMS) of the Aspen Institute has published a new report recommending structural changes to current federal costing and scorekeeping practices. These recommendations are designed to clarify the value of clinical and population-level programs that elevate health through prevention activities. The report, entitled Budgeting for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Improving the Federal Scorekeeping Process, is based on conversations among former senior leaders at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and on a body of research that informed their consensus recommendations. Dan Crippen, PhD, former CBO director and former executive director of the National Governors Association, and Nancy-Ann DeParle, former associate director for health and personnel at OMB (and currently managing partner of Consonance Capital Partners) chaired the group, which was convened by HMS.