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Health Worker Migration Initiative Global Policy Advisory Council Recommendations Report

February 22, 2009

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Recommendations on WHO’s Draft Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel: Prepared by Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative, Secretariat for the Global Policy Advisory Council. The Health Worker Migration Initiative (HWMI) is a partnership between the World Health Organization, the Global Health Workforce Alliance, and Realizing Rights that aims to develop and promote innovative policy solutions to address the growing global problem of inequitable healthcare access due to the migration of health workers. The HWMI was formally launched May 15, 2007 in Geneva during the World Health Assembly. The HWMI’s Global Policy Advisory Council is chaired by the Honourable Mary Robinson and Dr. Francis Omaswa, and is composed of Ministers of Health and Development from both source and destination countries, as well as leading health, labour, and migration experts. Realizing Rights serves as the secretariat for the Global Policy Advisory Council. We would like to thank the Ford Foundation, the Global Health Workforce Alliance, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for their generous support of the Global Policy Advisory Council’s work. We are also grateful to the Commonwealth Secretariat for hosting the Council’s most recent meeting in London.