Employment and Jobs

Insights from Businesses: How Digital Transformation Is Impacting Work and Skill Needs

September 20, 2021  • UpSkill America

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Over the past year, UpSkill America conducted a three-phase study to learn how the pandemic and heightened attention on racial inequities have influenced companies’ employment plans for the months and years ahead. We were especially interested in the impact these changes were having on frontline and entry-level employees and employers’ education and training programs.

In this third phase of the research, we spoke directly with employers and asked:

  • In what ways are businesses adopting technology in the workplace, and has COVID-19 accelerated these efforts?
  • How is digital transformation impacting skill needs for frontline workers?
  • What approaches are businesses taking to support development of digital skills for frontline workers?

We invite you to check out this deck to see what we learned through our most recent conversations.

We thank Strada Education Network and Walmart.org for their support of this work.

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UpSkill America is an employer-led movement that promotes training and advancement practices to help workers progress in their careers and move into better-paying jobs. UpSkill America is an initiative of the Economic Opportunities Program.

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