
Study Report Supplement 2013

July 5, 2013  • Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative/AEFI

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This new publication updates the ground-breaking research conducted by AEFI’s National Study of Artist-Endowed Foundations, the first in-depth examination of private foundations created by visual artists in the U.S. Study Report Supplement 2013 incorporates an updated data profile of the field along with newly commissioned briefing papers examining emergent issues in policy and practice. It offers information about recent growth, both in numbers of foundations and in the field’s aggregate assets, and explores what this expansion may mean with respect to evolving practices and the forces shaping the field’s development.

Initiated in 2007, AEFI’s National Study of Artist-Endowed Foundations published its initial findings in 2010 in a two-volume Study Report. Over the subsequent years, this widely distributed publication has become an important resource to the emerging field, both for those creating and governing the next generation of artist-endowed foundations, as well as those leading and advising the field. AEFI is committed to maintaining the relevance of this unique research endeavor through publication of periodic data updates and commissioned briefing papers by expert authors addressing newly identified issues in policy and practice that are influencing the field.

AEFI’s aim is to encourage effective practice in formation of artist-endowed foundations and the operation of these new entities, thereby increasing the ability to fulfill their charitable mandates. Its chief strategy is to address the significant information gap facing individuals involved in creating, leading, governing, and advising new artist-endowed foundations. It implements this strategy by researching, assembling, and publishing relevant information about the new field and the often-complex considerations involved in the creation and management of artist-endowed foundations and their charitable programs.