Employment and Jobs

The Practice of Improving Job Quality: Views from the Field

December 15, 2020  • Maureen Conway & Alex Swartsel

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While the low quality of many “essential” jobs has become more apparent amid the pandemic, the issue of low-quality jobs is longstanding. This publication is based on a survey of organizations about their efforts to advance job quality. Survey responses were gathered before the effects of the pandemic took hold, and understanding perspectives on job quality then can give us important insights as we tackle the urgent challenge of improving job quality now. Many organizations are working to improve job quality both within their own organizations and externally, but they face a variety of challenges. They are eager for more tools and resources to support their efforts.


As the low quality of many “essential” jobs has become apparent, it has never been more urgent to ensure that work truly works for everyone. New Report: “The Practice of Improving #JobQuality” by @conway_maureen & Alex Swartsel.

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