Employment and Jobs

A new method to provide stability in the workforce

April 19, 2018  • Liddy Romero

Liddy Romero, a member of the Aspen Institute Job Quality Fellowship, explains how WorkLab Innovations is collaborating with businesses to help their frontline workers access needed services. The Job Quality Fellowship, led by the Economic Opportunities Program, brings together innovators from differing lines of work who are engaged in work that expands the availability of better quality jobs in our economy. Learn more at as.pn/jobquality.

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Employment and Jobs
An Interview with Job Quality Fellow Liddy Romero
April 19, 2018 • Liddy Romero & 1 more


Childcare, housing, transportation. @WorkLabInnovate is helping workers get the resources (and stability) they need on the job. #AspenJobQuality Fellow Liddy Romero (@WorkLife_CO) shares how they are making it happen.

“We are accelerating employer investments in frontline workers.” #AspenJobQuality Fellow Liddy Romero on using the Sustainable Workforce Model to promote quality jobs. @WorkLabInnovate @WorkLife_CO