The Environment

Building Alliances for Resilient Mountains

September 29, 2022  • Aspen Community Programs

In Collaboration with the United Nations Mountain Partnership Global Meeting

Featuring RMI (formerly Rocky Mountain Institute) Chief Program and Strategy Officer Jon Creyts; University of Colorado Denver Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics Research Professor and Co-Director Lynne Kiesling; Aspen Institute Center for Native American Youth Executive Director Nikki Pitre; and XPRIZE Chief Impact Officer Zenia Tata, in conversation with Aspen Institute Executive Vice President Elliot Gerson. The effects of climate change are playing out in extreme weather events and prolonged drought and disproportionately impact the most vulnerable communities around the world. From the development of moonshot technologies to harnessing catalysts such as finance and technology to decarbonize industries, how do we implement solutions while fostering climate justice?