
Assess for Deeper Learning

January 20, 2011  • Education Innovation Forum and Expo

The Assess for Deeper Learning (ADL) project will develop a scalable online student performance assessment system that will drive student growth toward mastery of core academic content as well as the development of the higher-order cognitive skills necessary for college and career success. Performance assessment tools and processes will be facilitated by a technological infrastructure that will solve the time and resource burden of implementing performance-based assessments, as well as support the assessment validity and consistency among a wide number and range of users.

ADL is a comprehensive system aligned with National Common Core Standards, and will be capable of managing all aspects of student assessment including: scoring and score auditing protocols; scorer training; instructional practice scaffolding; a bank of sample performance tasks, rubrics and assessments; data reporting and data use for instructional and school improvement; online communities of practice; and professional development modules for implementing performance tasks and assessments in the classroom.

To learn more, send an e-mail to