
August by Mary Oliver: Reading and Meditation

August 31, 2020  • Executive Leadership Seminars Department

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August, Mary Oliver


These end-of-summer days sparkle with memories of childhood, when summer meant tree-climbing and knee-scraping, fresh berries and freedom. On days full of adult responsibilities, I like to remember the existence of those times on a late August day like today. Mary Oliver calls us to revisit those days, regardless of our current state. “All day my body accepts what it is./In the dark creeks that run by there is this thick paw of my life darting among the black bells.” Oliver wrote “August” at 58 years old – an age at which most of us have long lost the desire to climb a tree in search of a childhood treasure: berries. 

What innocent activities have you long forgotten about? What joys did they bring you? How can you integrate childish whimsy into your life again? 

Brianna Curran, Washington, DC

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •