
Consider the Hands that Write this Letter By Aracelis Girmay: Reading and Meditation

November 18, 2020  • Executive Leadership Seminars Department

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The world becomes quiet with a pen and paper in hand. In days where I seldom leave my computer or phone, it has taken intention to step away and quiet the mind with the process of physical writing. There’s a discovery there, as Girmay writes. One hand open ready to receive, the other a fist, as with a spade. In writing we deepen the internal dialogue with ourselves, and dare to ask the intimate questions in the privacy that lies between the mind and paper. Where are you open in life, ready to receive all that the world has to offer? Where are you closed and protective? When you quiet the mind through simple daily tasks, how might you continue the deeper dialogue to self-discovery?

Brianna Curran, Washington, DC

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •