
Developing Accurate Targets for Achievement

January 20, 2011  • Education Innovation Forum and Expo

The Edgewood Independent School District (EISD) of San Antonio, Texas, plans to develop and implement an automated longitudinal data system that not only integrates student academic, attendance, health, social, and emotional data, but also collects information on interventions. This seamless and transparent data system will enable us to track individual students’ progress within and across grades, and across schools, and will facilitate appropriate data sharing among schools, community agencies, parents, and other stakeholders. Equally important, we will also develop and implement a comprehensive, systematic process for data analysis and data-based decision making that will markedly increase our capacity to boost achievement for individual students and groups of students district-wide. This innovation will support monitoring and implementation of practices, strategies and programs designed to improve educational outcomes for high-need young children (pre-K through 3rd grade) by enhancing the quality of our early learning programs. It will spur efforts we have already begun to help all our children read on grade level by 3rd grade. The data system will follow an open source development approach and the end-product will be made available to the K12 community free of cost for adaptation and further development under an open government philosophy. Another outstanding feature is the implementation of a comprehensive set of research-based practices designed to achieve 3rd grade reading proficiency rarely implemented in their totality in schools serving predominantly low-income children. Success at scale will mean that we have the data, tools and human capital to assess, monitor, track, and make timely interventions leading to the results we seek.

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