
The Get Schooled Organization

January 20, 2011  • Education Innovation Forum and Expo

We know that changing high school graduation rates and college success rates will require directly engaging young people and their families. This hasn’t yet been done at scale. Until now. Get Schooled delivers the critical messages about the importance of graduating from high school and going on to college using the media and messengers that matter.

The most important influencers in young people’s lives are their families and their teachers — and Get Schooled is helping to keep these adults focused on supporting their student’s educational success. But youth are influenced by other sources — their friends, their community (in person and online), their music and more. Focused on the education milestones that matter most — attendance, course passage, readiness, and college guidance — we bring the creative talent, media assets and resources of the country’s top media and consumer brands to inspire youth with engaging content, tools, challenges and relevant incentives.

And Get Schooled gets results.

In the fall of 2010, Get Schooled inspired 300,000 Americans to step up and make a commitment to improve education. Students made commitments to improve attendance, take college preparatory courses, bring home higher grades and help their peers. And families committed to making time to check school work, talk about college and put education first. These Americans were inspired by celebrities like Ludacris, Carmelo Anthony, Keri Hilson, and Common, each of whom joined the Get Schooled movement and used their personal stories to inspire and stress the importance of education.

To learn more, contact Marie Groark.